What if the answer to shifting moments of crisis into turning points of expansion and opportunity was looking inward?

 Based on the work of Maureen Murdoch, Victoria Lynn Schmidt, Joseph Campbell and others, the Archetypical Heroine’s Journey outlines the universal quest for self-discovery; interdependence; and contribution from a space of intuition and profound acceptance. Like the phoenix that rises from the ashes, we travel to the depths of our souls to reclaim our inner power.

Using the narrative and symbolic map of THJ, this podcast explores some of the most important themes of what it means to be human with eight incredible guests, in a first season of 12 episodes (6 in Spanish and 6 English).

Episodio 10: El Regreso, con Arlette Fait
Sebastian Castro Sebastian Castro

Episodio 10: El Regreso, con Arlette Fait

En este episodio, Christine habla con Arlette Fait, psiscóloga clínica de más de 15 años de experiencia y además la terapeuta de Chris, sobre sus aprendizajes al salir de una relación agresiva. Juntas exploran cómo los momentos de crisis pueden ser tierra fértil para nuestra evolución, si tenemos las formas, herramientas y perspectiva para abordarlas.

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Episode 9: The Return, with Nathan Getzin
Sebastian Castro Sebastian Castro

Episode 9: The Return, with Nathan Getzin

Christine speaks with musician and immersive sound healer & producer Nathan Getzin about the journey into vulnerability he undertook for the sake of his relationship, which required laying down the armor and weapons of masculinity he had been taught to carry.

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Episodio 8: Emerger con Diego Delfino
Sebastian Castro Sebastian Castro

Episodio 8: Emerger con Diego Delfino

En este episodio Christine habla con el periodista Diego Delfino -reconocido por sus contribuciones al periodismo costarricense y creador del medio ciudadano sobre cómo la depresión puede representar una muerte que permite un renacimiento y una oportunidad de convertirse en una versión más auténtica y libre de uno mismo, si estamos dispuestos a hacer el trabajo que se requiere.

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Episode 7: The Emergence with Sofia Rasini
Sebastian Castro Sebastian Castro

Episode 7: The Emergence with Sofia Rasini

In this episode, Christine speaks with Sofia Rasini, co-founder of the adventure therapy non-profit Campo Base. Sofia talks about her journey into motherhood and the unexpected grief she encountered, in addition to the joy. She also shares what her experiences running camps for children with serious illnesses has taught her; and how stewarding the intention of the land & castle that she calls home in northern Italy, alongside the women in her family, supported her own rebirth.

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Episodio 6: El Descenso con Andrés Calvo
Sebastian Castro Sebastian Castro

Episodio 6: El Descenso con Andrés Calvo

En este episodio, el músico y artista Andrés Calvo, nos comparte la historia de cuando su esposa Paula, además prima de Christine, fue diagnosticada con un cáncer agresivo que marcó un antes y un después en su vida y la de su hija Lara.

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Episode 5: The Descent with Annette Knopp
Sebastian Castro Sebastian Castro

Episode 5: The Descent with Annette Knopp

In this episode Christine speaks with nature mystic Annette Knopp about her multiyear journey into deep spiritual practice; and two moments of descent that resulted in profound despair, a dark night of the soul, and eventually became medicine for her life.

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Episodio 4: La Ruptura, con Carolina Hidalgo
Sebastian Castro Sebastian Castro

Episodio 4: La Ruptura, con Carolina Hidalgo

Christine habla con activista de empatía y ex-presidenta de la Asamblea Legislativa de Costa Rica, Carolina Hidalgo Herrera sobre su experiencia navegando una dolorosa ruptura mientras ocupaba un cargo político de alto perfil; y cómo se permitió sentir el dolor para poder transformarse.

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Episode 3: The Rupture with Sarah Wu
Sebastian Castro Sebastian Castro

Episode 3: The Rupture with Sarah Wu

Christine speaks with teacher and Envision festival co-founder Sarah Wu about the journey which led her to identify as a “childless mother”, including a very personal disillusionment with society’s expectation of women and her own marital partnership. Sarah shares how her experience as an herbalist and modern witch supported her in reimagining motherhood and the possibilities of her own life story.

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Episodio 2: Bienvenid@s al Viaje
Sebastian Castro Sebastian Castro

Episodio 2: Bienvenid@s al Viaje

Nuestra anfitriona Christine, presenta el Viaje Arquetípico de la Heroína (THJ); un mapa basado en el trabajo de Maureen Murdock, Joseph Campbell y otros, que cualquier persona puede usar para navegar desafíos inesperados en su vida. Christine comparte sobre su propia historia, incluido un diagnóstico inesperado de cáncer a los 36 años; y describe lo que sucederá en los 6 episodios de la primera temporada, donde diferentes invitados compartirán historias íntimas y personales sobre cómo transformaron algunos de los momentos más difíciles de sus vidas en puntos de inflexión.

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Episode 1: Welcome to the Journey
Sebastian Castro Sebastian Castro

Episode 1: Welcome to the Journey

Host Christine Raine introduces The Heroine’s Journey (THJ), a map based on the work of Maureen Murdock, Joseph Campbell and others, that anyone can use to navigate life’s more unexpected challenges. She shares some of her own story, including an unexpected cancer diagnosis at age 36; and talks listeners through what will be included in the 6 episodes of Season One: where special guests will be sharing intimate, personal stories of how they transformed difficult life moments into turning points.

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Teaser El Viaje Arquetípico de la Heroína
Sebastian Castro Sebastian Castro

Teaser El Viaje Arquetípico de la Heroína

Christine Raine Rodríguez viene de un linaje de exploradoras. Ha dedicado su vida a explorar el mundo y explorar-se en igual medida; y a facilitar viajes transformadores para otros. En esta primera temporada, comparte su historia al lado de las historias íntimas de invitados que se sumergen en las cuatro fases del cambio: la Ruptura, el Descenso, el Emerger y el Regreso

Bienvenidos al Viaje Arquetípico de la Heroína.

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Teaser The Heroine's Journey podcast
Sebastian Castro Sebastian Castro

Teaser The Heroine's Journey podcast

Christine Raine is an avid explorer that has spent many years facilitating NonViolent Communication and taking people on transformational journeys. In this first season, she shares her story and invites guests to dive deep into the four phases of change: The Rupture, The Descent, The Emergence, and The Return.

Welcome to the archetypical Heroine's Journey.

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